December Classics Discussion: Retrospective

Katherine at November's Autumn has posted her last classics discussion post for 2012:

Link to your favorite Classic Literature post you've written this year, it doesn't have to be related to this challenge. Just something you'd enjoy sharing.

Or make a list of what you read for the challenge, you could compare it to your original list drawn up late 2011 when you were planning what to read, link to the posts you've written for the challenge, how many authors you've read or any little stat or detail you'd like to share.

My favorite classic titles this year were not necessarily the ones I wrote the best posts for--I can't usually think of anything amazing to say about my favorite books.  My favorites this year were:

The Book of the City of Ladies, by Christine de Pizan
Doctor Zhivago, by Boris Pasternak.
Madame Bovary, by Flaubert.
The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton

My original list of titles for this challenge:

Madame Bovary, by Gustave Flaubert
Eugene Onegin, by Alexander Pushkin
She Stoops to Conquer, by Oliver Goldsmith
The Age of Innocence, by Edith Wharton
Doctor Thorne, by Anthony Trollope
The Portrait of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde (this is a re-read)
Dracula, by Bram Stoker
I actually read all of these, though I did not post Katherine-related discussions for every title.  Here are the links to discussions:

Aeschylus and The Oresteia
Anthony Trollope and Doctor Thorne 
Charles Dickens and the setting of The Old Curiosity Shop 
Book Covers!
A Visual Tour of Framley Parsonage
Favorite quotations from current reading 
Music to fit current reading

Thanks to Katherine for hosting a fun set of discussions!  Next year she's planning on doing a monthly Turn of the Century Salon, so drop by to see what happens.


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