I've been out of town and have neglected my blog feed, but I thought I'd better check the CC just in case, because I had a feeling that it was about time for a Spin. So I'm squeaking in under the wire, phew, and still haven't read any more of the 500 posts waiting for me to get around to them. Stay tuned, though, I have lots of pictures to share of the trip. Anyway, you know the drill: 20 titles, number will be chosen tomorrow, read the book by April 30th . Diary of London, by Boswell It is Acceptable (Det Gaar An), C. J. L. Almqvist Amerika, by Kafka The Well at the End of the World, by William Morris The Annotated Flatland, by Edwin Abbott The Black Arrow, by R. L. Stevenson Rob Roy, by Sir Walter Scott Second-Class Citizen, by Buchi Emecheta The Leopard, by di Lampedusa Madwoman on the Bridge, by Su Tong I Served the King of England, by Bohumil Hrabal It Can't Happen Here, by Sinclair Lewis First Love and Other Stories, by Turgenev Bluebeard, by Kurt Vo