Something on Sundays

It must be admitted that I've been in a slump, and not just in the reading and blogging realm.  Things have been a little tough all 'round.  Jenny at Reading the End has noticed that a lot of bloggers are feeling this way  -- possibly disasters, politics, and the disaster of politics has something to do with this -- so she decided to ask people to post "something on Sundays:"
The only guidelines are that you write about something that kept you on your feet that week, whether that’s a person that inspired you, an action you took that you’re proud of, a book or movie or TV show that nourished your heart, a self-care strategy that worked for you, a goofy event or moment that brought you joy. Whatever it is, every Sunday, I want you to tell me something that matters to you. If you don’t have enough energy for a post, tweet it at me (you can use the hashtag #SomethingonSunday).
So here we go.  This week I finally started doing some sewing again.  Years ago, when I had just one little baby, I took a class at the quilt shop and made this fun batik thing with a moon and stars on it.  I couldn't think of how to quilt it, so I put it on a shelf and left it for a long time.  Over the summer when I was clearing things out, I came across it at the same time as a large piece of batik, and I finally realized that it would make a great back.  So I pieced together a batt (out of the large bag of big batting scraps), and now I am quilting it -- all without going shopping.  My 14-year-old promptly fell in love with it and wants it on her bed.


So that's my thing I did this week to get myself going.


  1. Aw, I love this!! Your quilt is absolutely beautiful, and I'm not surprised that your daughter covets it.

  2. It's beautiful! There's something about handmaking things that is so cheering; I've gotten back into my knitting and it's been so soothing. (Plus, I'm making something for myself, which is great!) My toddler has been delighted to see me knitting and has begged for a hat.

  3. I would have loved to have this on my bed as a teen, or now for that matter. Reminds me of Lucy Boston's gorgeous patchworks.

  4. Thanks, everybody. The quilting is kind of giving me fits as the thread keeps going wonky for unknown reasons...

  5. This is lovely. And how nice a teenager thinks her mom is doing something great! :)


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