Willa Cather Reading Week

Heavenali is hosting a Willa Cather reading week in December, and I am looking forward to participating!  Check out her post to see what's on offer and to sign up.  Heavenali says:
Willa Cather is now certainly regarded as one of the great American writers, a writer I re-connected with a couple of years ago, and I am now trying to read everything she wrote. I have read several of her novels already, have another five sitting here waiting to be read, but as yet have not read any of her short stories. A reading week therefore is just what I need to focus on reading some Cather, and share my enthusiasm for her work. I would love to get lots of people reading her novels and stories, talking about her and sharing thoughts about her books on blogs.

I am not sure yet what I want to do.  My Ántonia is on my CC list, so this is a nice opportunity, but the truth is that My Ántonia is a re-read and I have never read the other two books in the triad--or any other Cather, for that matter!  So perhaps I should read O Pioneers! and/or The Song of the Lark.  I'll get all of them out of the library and see what happens.  I will certainly read something that week, though!


  1. Can't you switch My Antonia for one of the other two? I won't tell. Either way, I don't think you can go wrong.

  2. I'm looking forward to this week. I got ahead of myself and already read Sapphira and the Slave Girl, but I'll post my review during the week. Maybe I'll read something else then too. O Pioneers is a good one to read next, if you liked My Antonia.

  3. I did like My Antonia when I read it...years ago. I figured I should refresh, but I think I'd like to read O Pioneers too, at least.

  4. I just finished rereading Shadows on the Rock. I loved it. I think of O Pioneer's as a slightly lesser My Antonia. I don't know why that is though. I have never finished The Song of the Lark. That was one of the few Cather books that didn't hold my interest. But I have been thinking I need to reread Death Comes for the Archbishop and Sapphira and Slave Girl.


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