The Literary Movements Reading Challenge

Fanda at Classiclit has got a lovely new challenge for next year--the Literary Movement Reading Challenge.  It's pretty ambitious.  Take a look at what she says (I'm giving the first part but there's lots more at the post):

The aim is to study how our literary world has been evolving from Medieval era up to the present. There are so many lists/timelines out there, but I particularly use this literary periods timeline from online-literature dot com; firstly, it is simple and nicely presented, and secondly because the number of the movements fits more or less with the challenge purpose. If you see the info-graphic, there are thirteen movements. I will dedicate each month for each movement; but as the Beat Generation period is mostly overlapping the Bloomsbury's, I will merge them into one month.

1.  Reading (or rereading) at least one book each month according to the literary movements we are covering; here is the list:
    • January: Medieval
    • February: Renaissance
    • March: Enlightenment
    • April: Romanticism 
    • May: Transcendentalism
    • June: Victorian
    • July: Realism
    • August: Naturalism
    • September: Existentialism
    • October: Modernism
    • November: Beat Generation or Bloomsbury Group
    • December: Post-Modernism
I have no idea what books I will pick.  I have a small pile of non-Arthurian medieval books to choose from for January!  Oh, I'm sure I can find lots.  Some of these might be tricky--existentialism, even transcendentalism because I'm not a big Thoreau fan--but I think this will be great.  Thanks Fanda! 


  1. Can I just - no, I should keep my mouth shut. It's the confusion between periods and movements. I am grinding my teeth. The source timeline is not at fault.

    "Medieval" - a period - covers a thousand years of literature from around the world. "Transcendentalism" - a movement - in practice covers maybe five writers. How do you like Whitman - just count him.

    Anyone who attempts to make Bloomsbury and the Beats overlap will have a curious and confusing experience, although the results of reading Keynes alongside Burroughs may be instructive.

    All right, I didn't keep my mouth shut. It's all good - anything to get readers to pay more attention to literary history, right?

  2. Thanks for joining, Jean.
    Now I'm curious to see what you'd be reading. Good luck! ;)

  3. Fanda, I will come up with something closer to the end of the year. Too much trying to finish up 2014 challenges right now!:)

  4. Tom, yeah, but that's OK. Roll with it. :)


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