Classics Club Readathon

The Classics Club is holding its 2nd Annual Readathon!  And for once, a readathon will be happening at a time when I actually have a chance of participating.  In fact, I'll need a readathon, with all the events I'm signed up for in January!*  So I am signing up, and I hope you will too.

The readathon will be on Saturday, January 4, starting at 8am EST, which is 5am in my time zone.  I think I will probably not get up that early, nor will I stay up until 5am the next day!  But I will try to spend as much time as possible reading.

*In January, I have committed myself to the Children's Literature Event, the Vintage SF Not-A-Challenge, the Eugene Onegin readalong, and Long-Awaited Reads Month, plus the CC will be focusing on Shakespeare/Elizabethan England.  It's ridiculous and I can't wait.  I already have a pile of old SF titles and LAR books waiting.


  1. I haven't yet participated in a Classics Club event, or a readathon, but they always sound so appealing. This one might just be possible, as we have no travel plans this winter break.

  2. Yeah, do the readathon with me!

  3. I really want to--keep your fingers crossed that nothing comes up to prevent me, hehe.

  4. I have not participated in this particular read-a-thon. This would be a good time for me to read Wilkie Collin's Moonstone. I read the Woman in White and really enjoyed it.

  5. Oh, the Moonstone is really interesting! And surprisingly favorable to the mysterious strangers I'm not going to tell you about.

  6. I'm really looking forward to the readathon too! Although, I'd say I don't need it as badly as you do. So many events you have for January! I hope you enjoy all of them as much as you are anticipating.


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