Classic Children's Literature Event 2014

Last year, Amanda at Simpler Pastimes and I ran the Children's Literature Event together.  This year, Amanda is doing it on her own, but I'm certainly still participating and I'm excited about Amanda's plans!  She will be hosting a readalong of The Wizard of Oz, which indeed I have not read for years (though when I was a kid, we read the books and didn't watch the movie). 

We are also all encouraged to read whatever children's classics we want to read and share our thoughts.  I'm going to read Where the Red Fern Grows, because I have never read it.  We'll see what else happens too--after all, my house is filled with children's books, so that's no problem.

Check out Amanda's plans, and grab her gorgeous buttons for your blog.  She is so talented at making beautiful images, and I am always envious of that.  She's got Wizard of Oz font, how cool is that?


  1. I'm glad you're joining in again, Jean! I read a bunch of the Oz books when I was a kid, but I did also see the movie. :) I had to read Where the Red Fern Grows in school--and honestly, I wasn't really into most 'animal' books, so I likely wouldn't have read it otherwise! Good choice, though.

    Thanks for the compliments on the button! I have fun making them.


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