15 Day Book Blogger Challenge, Day 13

Today's challenge is to describe one under-appreciated book that EVERYONE should read.

You know, I think I'm going to pick a book I just told you about recently: My Family and Other Animals, by Gerald Durrell.  It's a fantastic book, a minor classic that has been unfairly forgotten, and a happily unusual and funny book too.  It will cheer you up when you are sad and educate you about the wonders of animals (even if, like me, you don't particularly care for animals in your house).  It has universal appeal, too.

Bonus points: in my opinion everyone should at least try Diana Wynne Jones and Daniel Pinkwater.  DWJ because she is the greatest, of course, and Pinkwater because he is so completely weird.  But those seemed a little predictable for me--that's what I always say!


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