It's been a while since I've posted this meme, but the beginning of school has been pretty overwhelming.  I have just one thing to show off.  We've been preparing for Banned Books Week at work, and we're taking photos for a rogue's gallery of people caught reading questionable literature.  Here I am, caught in the act, with the awesome sign I made for the project.  I wanted an old-school letterboard, but those things are impossible to find.  There were tons of letters at work, though, because there is a board bolted to the wall, so I stuck them into a piece of black foam core board.

We're actually going to make the photos black and white and then print them out to hang all over the library.  Mine hadn't been converted yet when I emailed it to myself.  I was trying to look serious, but apparently I cannot not-smile.  The other shots were more smiley!  Sigh.


  1. I love the idea, the photo and your choice of book! Not sure which one is greater :)

  2. Happy WOYWW great Idea with the books
    -Tera #3

  3. I'm such a philistine..no idea about the book you're 'reading' - but I love the concept, love the idea you had for the letterbard style sign and even more - love the photo of you not being able to look serious! Ha! Tell that to the Passport office!

  4. Cute picture I love that you can not not smile. I'm just randomly snooping and I do love a short post. Be well Carole #110

  5. Well it's a fun photo, and the smile just makes you look defiant, considering the setting!

    Happy WOYWW to you!
    #31 this week with
    ATCs Around The World

  6. Great photo, and I love the idea behind it. Have a good week. Helen 19

  7. great idea and great photo. Anne x #69

  8. You look like you're chuckling at the censors. Very cute!

  9. What a fabulous event!! I love that banned book smirk on your face! Fun, fun, fun!

    Lynn #101

  10. My DREAM is to be on a library poster!!!! Live it, Jean!


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