Greek Classics: July Wrapup

Heigh ho, Greeklings, it's a little hot to be reading tragedies and philosophy at the moment, and I didn't get much reading of any kind done in July.  But if you were more industrious and literary than I was, link up your Greek literature reading here!

Greek landscape
It's hot in Greece too.


  1. I did start a trilogy of Aristophanes' plays yesterday, so I read one in July. No blog post yet, but now that I'm halfway thru, I can't say I'm enjoying him. Oh well! I guess I'll stick to the tragedies.

  2. Hi Eva, I'm so glad tom see you back! Yeah, I don't think Aristophanes translates all that well to the modern day. Maybe humor just changes more than tragedy.

  3. Love the picture! It captures both our weather and my state of mind :)

    I have fallen off the Greek wagon in a big way, but since I only committed to 1-3, I guess I am still good.


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