A Month of Faves 2016: Day 1

As I caught up on my blogroll today, Kristen at We Be Reading had a nice pick-me-up post that I haven't seen before -- the Month of Faves, hosted by Estella's Revenge.  Well, I may be a day late and a dollar short, but I'm going to do it anyway, at least a few of them.  So here's Day 1:

Thu. | Dec. 1 – These Are A Few of My Favorite Things #AMonthofFaves2016 – eg. to eat, drink, wear, smell, see, do, enjoy, best thing I bought, most used gift received etc, favorite concert, outdoor activity, place visited, most squee worthy moment of the year, biggest change.

Food: At the moment, it seems to be chorizo soft tacos from Chipotle, but that's only because I just discovered them.  Eat two, save one for lunch!

Drink: I've been a Dr. Pepper addict for way too long, but I've switched to Dr. Pepper 10, which tastes way better than diet.

Wear: In December, fuzzy socks.  I get cold easily.

Do: Besides reading, snuggle with the family, quilt, and take trips.

Best thing I bought made:  I can't think of anything I bought that can beat this quilt top I just finished last night.  A couple of years ago, I blogged about the great pavement at Westminster and how I wanted to make a quilt like that.  I just got started on the road!  Here is a cosmati-style quilt that doesn't actually look anything like the Westminster floor:

Place visited: Our UK trip, for sure!  That was a lifetime highlight.

Most squee worthy moment of the year: Was on the UK trip, when we went to the Manor/Green Knowe.

Biggest change: My older daughter started going to regular old public school.  This is probably my last year as a homeschooling mom.


  1. I'm so glad that you're joining in on this event! I'm really finding that it helps my entire mood to spend at least a bit of my day being more positive.
    And last year of homeschooling is a big deal! I hope your older daughter is having a great time in public school and that your younger daughter is enjoying having you to herself. :)

  2. Thanks! Yeah, it is a good thing.

    I am so grateful to have this last year with her! We are having a good time, and my older one loves her school.


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