Join up with the Classics Club!

Jillian at A Room of One's Own has started a classics club. It's not exactly a challenge, more of a long-term project. Jillian says:

At your own blog, list 50, 100, or 200 classics that most interest/scare/excite you, alongside your goal date for finishing this list. You can either make a straight list of titles (what I’ll be doing), or explain next to each title why you’ve chosen it. You could also explain a few of your chosen titles, but leave the others explanation-free. It’s up to you. Rereads are encouraged. When you link your list in the comments here, please pick one title from your list that you are most excited to read, so it can be included on the participant list. The goal? To read every classic on your list at your blog, and write about each one at your blog. Each time you write about a classic from your list, hyperlink the discussion post at the main classics list on your blog.

It's going to take me a very long time to compile a list of 100 books, so I will be adding to it over time--I would like more literature from certain places that I haven't figured out yet (Australia/NZ, Poland, various spots in Africa, etc., so give me some suggestions). This project has a five-year timeline! So I suppose my goal date is March of 2017. That's a very long time away, so I guarantee nothing, especially that I will even be blogging about books in five years, but what the heck.

My list is available at the project page here!


  1. I joined yesterday. It is really neat to discover so many bloggers with a passion for the classics! I am inspired.

    Headed to your project page to check out your list now!


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