Henrietta Sees It Through

Henrietta Sees It Through: More News From the Home Front, 1942-1945, by Joyce Dennys

It's another volume of Henrietta's village life and wartime trials! I was happy to get my hands on this volume after I enjoyed Henrietta's War so much. (Once again, I was deprived of the pretty candy-like cover of the new edition.) This one did not disappoint and is even a bit longer than the first one.

The "Henrietta" letters are fictional and were written for Sketch magazine by Joyce Dennys as a humor column. The book's introduction says it nicely: "It is Joyce Dennys' great gift to have transformed the frustration and grief of those years into the most enchanting comedy." Of course not all of the weekly letters could be published in the book, so this is just a nice selection with explanatory footnotes when you've missed an event.

All the same characters are still living in the little village on the Dover coast, but now there are evacuees in homes and American soldiers stationed nearby. As the war wears on and on, everyone is tired and it's beginning to show in frayed tempers and moments of despair. But Henrietta and her friends persevere, finding bright spots in weddings and new babies and local events, and the constant hope that they will get the opportunity to tell Hitler just exactly what they think of him.

Henrietta's letter are very funny and just all-around lovely to read. I love them.

And I'm inordinately pleased with myself, because I am counting this book for the Mixing It Up Challenge in the Humor/Journalism category--and it's both!


  1. I love these editions! I have Mrs 'Arris Goes To Paris and it looks absolutely lovely.

    This one's been on my wishlist for a while, but I never even thought of using it for the Mixing It Up Challenge, so I owe you one! :)


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