It's a Spin! Classics Club Spin #24

Yaaaay!  I just love a Spin.  The due date for this challenge will be at the end of September, nearly 8 weeks of time, so it's a good time to put some chunksters on the list.  And since I'm trying to read Russian literature this year, I really loaded up this list with Russians.  (Also, I'm still limited to what I have in the house, and there are a lot of titles I can't get right now.)

The Spin number will be announced next Sunday, which is a whole week away.  How will I stand the suspense??

Here's my Spin list:
  1. Revelations of Divine Love, by Julian of Norwich (second version)
  2. Demons, by Dostoyevsky
  3. The Obedience of a Christian Man, by William Tyndale
  4. Life and Fate, by Vasily Grossman
  5. The Female Quixote, by Charlotte Lennox
  6. Oblomov, by Goncharov
  7. Lorna Doone, by R. D. Blackmore
  8. Thus Were Their Faces, by Silvina Ocampo
  9. For Two Thousand Years, by Mihail Sebastian 
  10. Our Mutual Friend, by Charles Dickens
  11. The Idiot, by Dostoyevsky
  12. The Well at the End of the World, by William Morris
  13. Tales of the Narts (Ossetian myths)
  14. The Imitation of Christ, by Thomas a Kempis
  15. Eichmann in Jerusalem, by Hannah Arendt
  16. First Love and Other Stories, by Turgenev
  17. The Gray Earth, by Galsan Tshinag
  18. Resurrection, by Tolstoy
  19. Season of Migration to the North, by Tayeb Salih
  20. Marriage, by (somebody...)
Wish me luck!  And, join me!


  1. The only one from your list that I've read is Our Mutual Friend, which I loved. Not a Russian, but a big fat book that could definitely take you a month or two to finish! I've also wanted to read Lorna Doone, I saw a TV adaptation years ago and loved it. The only Russian I have on my list is Crime and Punishment, can't believe I've never read it. I'm seriously deficient in my Russian lit!

  2. From your list, I only read Dostoyevsky, Ocampo and Arendt, and recommend all of them! Good luck wich your spin and happy reading :)

  3. I can recommend Our Mutual Friend, but good luck for whichever one you get.

  4. I think Our Mutual Friend is great, and both the Dostoevskys. But I want you to get Oblomov, because all I know about it is he's the guy who doesn't get off the couch, which is why we're thinking of it as a cat name...

  5. I'm very keen to get to Vasily Grossman myself one day - but both books are SOOOOOOOOO big I'm not sure when I will fit them both in - so good luck, whenever you read them!!

  6. I wish you #11, a great Russian classic! Here's mine


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