Virtual Mount TBR 2019

Bev is starting a corollary to her Mount TBR Challenge; the Virtual challenge, where you read books you've been meaning to read but don't actually own.  Like...library books!  Do you know how long my list of library books to read is?  (I don't.  It's really long.)  So, I haven't put all the rules here, but here are the basics:
This year, I decided to create a Virtual Mount TBR Reading Challenge Books for all those folks with mile-long "wish-list" of TBRs who would like a chance to climb as well. The strategy and general set-up is the same--except you don't have to own the books. Heard about a great book from a friend, took note of the title, and then never got around to reading it? Saw a book online that you thought sounded intriguing but you keep putting off ordering it up from the library? You borrowed a book from somebody and need an extra push to read it and return it? This is the place for you!
 Challenge Levels:
Mount Rum Doodle: Read 12 books

Mount Crumpit: Read 24 books 
Mount Munch: Read 36 books
White Plume Mountain: Read 48 books 
Stormness Head: Read 60 books 
Mount Mindolluin: Read 75 books 
Mount Seleya: Read 100 books
Mount Olympus: Read 150+ books 

    [In keeping with the virtual nature of the challenge, all mountains are fictional (references in comment below). How many do you recognize? The only one shared by both TBR challenges is Olympus--both fictional and on Mars. However, since I don't know actual heights, I have arbitrarily assigned the levels.]

 ~[UPDATE] Just to be clear: this challenge is only for books you do not own. They may be borrowed from the library, a friend, found on a free e-book site (like Project Gutenberg), or anywhere else that allows you to temporarily checkout the book. Also--unlike Mount TBR, there is no date limit on your wish list. If you see a book online that strikes your fancy after January 1 and you just have to go get it from the library, then it absolutely counts.

My library-books bookshelf is just as stuffed as my TBR bookshelf, so this will be good for me.  I am pretty much going to limit myself to books from the library that I've been meaning to read since before Jan. 1, 2019.  That is a lot of books.  I'll aim for Mount Crumpit, 24 books.  Also, I think the image for this challenge is great!


  1. What a good idea! This might be one I have to join in on--there's quite a few books "I've been meaning to..." Have fun with it!


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