TBR Challenge 2019

Yes, I already have one TBR challenge, but this is a different one, and I like both.  Adam at Roof Beam Reader has different rules, which are:

The Goal: To finally read 12 books from your “to be read” pile (within 12 months). Specifics: 1. Each of these 12 books must have been on your bookshelf or “To Be Read” list for AT LEAST one full year. This means the book cannot have a publication date of 1/1/2018 or later (any book published in the year 2017 or earlier qualifies, as long as it has been on your TBR pile). Caveat: Two (2) alternates are allowed, just in case one or two of the books end up in the “can’t get through” pile. 2. To be eligible, you must sign-up with the Mr. Linky below. Link to your list (so create it ahead of time!) and add updated links to each book’s review. Books must be read and must be reviewed (doesn’t have to be too fancy) in order to count as completed.
...and so on.  Head over there for more details!

So, here's my list!
  1.  Undine and Other Stories, by Friedrich de la Motte Fouquée
  2.  Black Earth: the Holocaust as History and Warning, by Timothy Snyder
  3. The Book of Red Hanrahan. by W. B. Yeats
  4. The Claverings, by Anthony Trollope
  5. Kappa, by Ryunosuke Akutagawa
  6. Roderick Random, by Tobias Smollett
  7. Individualism and Economic Order, by F. A. Hayek
  8. Elizabeth and Her German Garden, by Elizabeth von Arnim
  9. A House Full of Females, by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
  10. Our Mutual Friend, by Charles Dickens
  11. Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore, by Robin Sloan
  12. Jerusalem: the Eternal City, by Galbraith Ogden Skinner
  1. The Death of the Grown-Up, by Diana West
  2. The Obedience of a Christian Man, by William Tyndale

Wish me luck!  This year I didn't manage one title -- the Hayek one that is back on the list -- though I have completed the challenge.  I shall conquer Hayek in 2019!


  1. Something tells me the Hayek isn't going to be easy reading!

  2. That is a very tall stack! I've only read three of those but I loved all of them -- The Claverings, Our Mutual Friend, and Elizabeth in Her German Garden. And Mr. Penumbra is my book group's selection for January, so I look forward on your thoughts. Good luck with the challenge!


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