January Event: Vintage SciFi Month

You know I love me a January filled with vintage sci-fi!  Little Red Reviewer is once again holding her traditional January event, and I'm ready.  Here's the deal, in Red's own words:

I’ve been hosting this little party since 2012, by reading and celebrating science fiction and fantasy that is older than I am – that is, created in 1979 or earlier.  Over the years, the party has grown!  it’s grown so big I can’t host it alone anymore.  Red Star Reviews is my fantastic co-host, and we’ll be posting, tweeting, retweeting, insta-ing, tubing, and a bunch of other cool stuff.

Follow us on twitter at https://twitter.com/VintageSciFi_ , find us on bookstagram, mention us on YouTube, retweet and share what your friends are doing.  January is a wibbly wobbly timey wimey kind of month.

The book donation table makes this easy.  I've been picking things out here and there all year.  I wish more James Tiptree, Jr. would show up, though -- I only have one story.  Here's my current pile, except for the Aldiss books I found the other day and which are in my car which is in the shop.

Somebody must have been an Aldiss fan, I never see his stuff usually.  Anyhow, I hope you'll join me...


  1. Argh! I've always wanted to participate in this event but I'm not very sci-fi-ish and I don't know what I would read. Plus I don't have many sci-fi books. Next year I need to get it together and add sci-fi books to my challenges to make it easier to do. Have fun!


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