What's My Spin Number?

And the number is....3!

I will therefore be reading And So Flows History, by Hahn Moo-Sook.  It's a three-generational Korean family saga that starts in the late 19th century and continues until, I think, the end of World War II.  It was published in 1947 and does not include the ideological battles that turned into the Korean War.

Hahn Moo-Sook was quite a young woman when she wrote the book; she must have been about 30, and a young mother, when it was published.  Her daughter, Young-Key Kim-Renaud, is the translator.  (To clarify, on the book, Hahn's name is written in the Asian way, and Kim-Renaud's in the Western way.)

Should be interesting!  I'm supposed to finish and post by April 30th.  Surely I can manage that.  And it will count for South Korea in my Read All Around the World Project too!


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