RIPXV is here!

 It's time for Readers Imbibing Peril XV!  As with so much these days, everybody is taking a step back and this is a simplified event for fraught times.  No levels or sign-ups, just join in and read a book or three, and post on your Twitter or Instagram or blog -- for those of us dinosaurs still writing blogs.

So I happily went and gathered a pile of books, and here they are.  I don't know which ones I'll read when; this is just a pile to pick from.  Are you going to join up with RIPXV? 


  1. Hoffmann is great! Underrated, too; I just filmed a video about that (not yet posted though). I didn't realize this challenge goes for 2 whole months, maybe I will join in October. :)

  2. This blogging dinosaur is confused but guesses the premise here is a challenge to read Halloween appropriate books ... yes? ... well, some things by Nathaniel Hawthorne have been calling out to me from their spectral shelves .... so? ....

  3. I have that edition of Hoffman and haven't read it.

    Not sure I think of Flatland as an RIP book, but YMMV...

  4. Yeah, but it's pretty weird! It just sort of got in there. I've read the Hoffman stories before but it was in the 1990s, so I've been meaning to read them again.

  5. I hope I get to join in, but have so many other reading plans/library books, that I don't know if I'll be able to fit it in. But it is so tempting!


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