Deja vu all over again...

 I was going to write about books today but it's pretty hard to concentrate, and I'm just going to put up a little update.  Most readers know that California has been on fire for the last few weeks, and it's been awful.  Our little part of the state has been smoky and unpleasant, but now it's much worse; a wildfire near Oroville (about 20 miles away, in the foothills -- where the dam made the news about 3 years ago) exploded overnight into a quarter-million acres.  We woke up to ashy, orange darkness -- again.  It's very much like the day after the Camp Fire up in Paradise, and I'm sure a lot of folks are having a horrible day filled with terrible memories.  Quite a few people who used to live in Paradise live in Oroville now and are evacuated.

This is the view near my house this morning, an hour after sunrise.  The first photo faces east, and then goes in a counter-clockwise circle to the north, west, and south, ending in the southeast.  I'm just saving these for posterity...

The sun should be in this area.

Nobody needs to worry about my safety, but any good vibes or prayers you can send to the firefighters and the people threatened by the fire are nice.

I can't say this puts me in a mood to read RIP titles.  I think The Enchanted April sounds like a good choice...


  1. I'm glad you think you are safe, Jean, but what a scene to behold. This is huge. So sorry for all those affected.

    Wisteria and sunshine sounds nice to escape to, but a dose of gray, rainy English weather would be better in reality.

  2. You are so right, Lory! I'd give almost anything for a good long rainstorm (without lightning!).

  3. my kids live in the west foothills of the Cascades and they both have had to evacuate. we're housebound by the dense smoke, but i don't think we'll be burned out... fingers crossed

  4. Oh, friend, this is really scary and awful. I'm glad you're safe and I am indeed saying prayers for those more directly in the fire's path, and for the people who are fighting it.

  5. I hope you're OK, mudpuddle, and that your kids' homes are safe!

    Thank you, Jenny <3

    Today doesn't look so much like the apocalypse; the smoke has descended, so everything is grey and yucky (and surprisingly cold), but the sky isn't dark orange any more. I had to go out and do some errands yesterday and it was very weird -- in the old-fashioned, spooky sense!

  6. Absolutely eerie. Definitely praying for those firefighters!

    Down in SoCal, we're [the High Desert] dealing with a couple of on the other side of the San Gabriel Mts. and the other was in Yucaipa, caused by a gender reveal explosion! So for the weekend we have had to deal with a layer of smoke in the High Desert, raining ash on us. But since the wind shifted yesterday, the smoke has finally lifted.

    Having said all that, it is NOTHING compared to what you all are living through.

  7. Oh, Ruth, that Yucaipa one was something else. Who blows something up for a gender reveal party in the middle of fire season?? I'm going to hope that this means Instagram-ready gender reveals have jumped the shark. Hope hope hope.

  8. I heard there was a fire up in the region near Paradise and immediately thought of you and wondered if you were impacted. I'm glad your okay, and hoping it stays that way. I keep seeing the photos and just can't even imagine.

  9. So sad to hear of the problems you're having. Hope things have now improved slightly.

  10. This fire actually overlaps a little bit with the 2018 fire area, so yep -- right close by. Happily, the wind shifted again and so things have calmed down a lot. It's just grey and smoky instead of looking like Doomsday.

  11. Oh Jean! I can't believe this is happening again. I saw it on our news over the weekend and thought of you, but hadn't seen a post so thought it must in a different part of the state.
    But I've been rather absent from blogging of late & realised I had simply missed you post.
    I'm glad you're alright, but it makes me rather nervous for our approaching summer again. This seems to be happening to us both every year of late.

    Stay safe - our face masks may have to be a permanent thing for two very good reasons.

  12. It sure does. And this year is just completely off the rails. I hope your Australian summer goes a LOT better!

    It is so surreal, trying to figure out which mask to take where...or my oldest is just wearing one of each (N95 and cloth) at work. I wore a mask to go get the mail. I definitely wore one while sweeping ash off the front walk, and after that I smelled like a campfire.


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