It's a Master and Margarita Readalong!

Reading Rambo has been meaning to host a readalong of Mikhail Bulgakov's bizarre novel for at least a year, I'm pretty sure.  Now, the moment has arrived!  It's the Master and Margareadalong in October, and you should join me.  Reading Rambo usually does a bunch of gifs in her posts, and encourages everyone else to as well, but I am no good at that so I abstain--though I do have fun reading them!

I have read M&M twice before; my old copy, which I'm very fond of, is the translation by Glenny, but I just got the Pevear/Volokhonsky edition from my brother, and I'm looking forward to seeing what a different edition is like.  


October 3rd: Chapters 1-8
October 10th: Chapters 9-16
October 17th: Chapters 17-22
October 24th: Chapters 23-26
October 31st: Chapters 27 to end

So what are you waiting for?  The devil is coming to Moscow, and the party will start with or without you.  Everybody's coming, leave your body at the door!


  1. SO PUMPED. I am going to read this whole entire book! I read the first batch of chapters today and I gotta be honest, I have just about no idea what's going on. I'm hoping the next batch of chapters will be easier to comprehend.

  2. Eh, don't get your hopes up. It stays weird. :D


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