Classics Spin #14

It's time for another Classics Spin, yippee!  If you're not familiar with it, head on over to their page for an explanation.  I'm really running into trouble these days, because if you don't count the two giant, slow books I already have going, I only have sixteen more titles on my CC list.  I'm supposed to read them all by next March, and I'm not at all sure that I'm going to manage it, but I'm going to give it a good try.

As I've come to the end of the list, I've also had to trade out a few titles that weren't really working out, especially in the Latin American section, which I knew nothing about in the first place and don't know much more about now.  I think I have a slightly better handle on those now, though (actually I have a bunch of modern titles on my TBR, but what constitutes a classic is still tricky for me).  So here we go--the sixteen CC titles I haven't read yet, with four random selection repeated to make 20:

  1. William Faulkner, US, 1929. Light in August.
  2.  Glass Menagerie, by Tennessee Williams
  3. Carl Sandburg, 1940, Abraham Lincoln: The War Years
  4. Thomas Mann, Germany, 1924. The Magic Mountain.
  5. John Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  6. Pope St. Gregory I, Pastoral Care 
  7. Mario Benedetti, Little Stones at My Window
  8. Berthold Brecht, Germany, 1928. The Threepenny Opera
  9.  Pedro Paramo, by Juan Rulfo
  10. Short Stories of Nikolai Gogol
  11. Lao Tzu, China, ca. 550 BCE. The Tao Te Ching.
  12. Poems of Octavio Paz
  13. Kalidasa, The Loom of Time.
  14. The Underdogs, by Mariano Azuela
  15. “A Poem with Notes and Grace Notes,” Frost (1924)
  16. Labyrinth of Solitude, by Octavio Paz
  17.  Carl Sandburg, 1940, Abraham Lincoln: The War Years
  18.   Glass Menagerie, by Tennessee Williams 
  19.  Kalidasa, The Loom of Time.
  20.  Short Stories of Nikolai Gogol
 I'm hoping for Glass Menagerie, which I just checked out of the library, or the Gogol stories, which will count for Back to the Classics.  Or Loom of Time, that would be great.  The Magic Mountain is the scariest title on this list.


  1. Wow, you have a challenging list! I haven't read a single one of those but I think Gogol would be top of my list, though Threepenny Opera is intriguing. Good luck with your spin pick!

  2. Gosh, some tough ones on your list! My pick would be The Glass Menagerie too, I think. Hope you get one you enjoy!

  3. That's what happens when your list consists of everything you've put off for nearly 5 years...

  4. I kind of hope you get The Magic Mountain. Is that mean? It wasn't meant to be. ;-) I read it a number of years ago and while I found it somewhat odd, I'd love to hear what you think about it.

  5. I see you're saving the best for last!
    Tenneessee Williams...magnificent plays, I hope you get Glass Menagerie.
    I read John is not for the fainthearted. I developed my own reading stragegy just to get through it!
    As Cleo said..Magic Mountain is very good!
    Good reading, good luck!

  6. Fascinating, although I can see why many of them have been left to last on your list!!

    I'm almost finished Do Not Say We Have Nothing by Canadian writer Madeleine Thien(shortlisted for the Booker) which is predominantly set in China, so I wish you the Tai Te Ching this spin :-)

  7. Impressive list! I would like to read The Magic Mountain but it's not even on my list. I think I"m going to do a complete overhaul next year.


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