Banned Books Week is coming up!

Hey everyone, I've really missed being here lately!  I have a pile of books to review, but my arms are giving me trouble again and so I might go back to dictating posts again for a bit.  Which I find really difficult.  Anyway, I've also been in a frenzy of preparation for...

Banned Books Week, which starts Sunday, September 25 and goes through October 1.  I never really talk about it here much--it's a work thing and doesn't seem to get to the blog.  I've been collecting news stories, ordering bookmarks and making buttons (well, actually the student workers make the buttons!), and all sorts of things.  We usually have a writing contest, and this year the ALA came out with some fun writing prompts (and other good stuff), so we're using those to change things up from the questions we've used for two years.

Are you planning anything for Banned Books Week?  Have any books picked out?  (This year's hot title: the Bible.  It's #6!)  I hope to be posting more soon; I've got plenty to tell you.


  1. Sorry your arms are giving you problems!! I'm not planning anything for Banned Books Week because I am disorganized and require approx three months forward planning in order to get my act together to participate. :p But if you do end up sharing any of your Banned Books Week work efforts, I'd love to see!


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