Just Call Me Fangirl

Guess how I just spent my evening?  I was at a reception for Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, and she did a reading from her new book, Before We Visit the Goddess.  I've been a fan since I read Arranged Marriage about 20 years ago, and I've been super-excited for a couple of weeks, looking forward to this.  It was even better than I thought it would be!  We had a real conversation with her!  We sat in the front row!  We took photos!

I am pretty much flailing around with excitement here, so I thought I'd just tell you.  I'll write a proper post when I get the photo, which will be soon I hope (the pro ones should be hugely better than the one on my camera).  Meanwhile, if you live in California, she's got several events coming up right away, so go check her schedule.


  1. I just heard about this book on one of the Book Riot podcasts and it sounded interesting. I'm so glad you had such a good author event experience. Definitely worth flailing about!!

  2. How exciting! Meeting a cool author is one of the best things in a bookish life. I hope you enjoy her new book.


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