Readathon Update, Day 5

I was out and about a little more today, but I did get some reading done.  I finished People Tell Me Things, which was meh.  Too much New York.  I read a good solid chunk of Go Tell It On the Mountain, which is just amazingly written but (as you might expect) very wrenching.  And I've read a bit of In the Steps of the Master--I'm now a little over halfway through.

I keep meaning to pick up Beauty in the Word, a book about classical education.  Just today I heard that the author has passed away; he will be very missed, I know.  So I'm going to start that next.

I now have 3 finished books in a pile on my desk to review.  Maybe tomorrow...

Go Tell It On the Mountain is written in a gospel style; it's all about people who live and breathe their religion, and they think in the semi-Biblical, gospel style that is most familiar to many of us now through the speeches and writings of Dr Martin Luther King, Jr.  Gospel songs are quoted throughout the novel, and here is one of them for you, "Traveling Shoes":


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