People Tell Me Things

People Tell Me Things: Stories by David Finkle

It's high time I wrote up reviews for all these books on my desk that I read during the Wicked Wildfire Readathon!  I'll start with the TBR titles, since I'm extra-late with those.

David Finkle writes about the arts for various New Yorky publications, and here he was written a collection of short stories that are about the same world.  The stories are kind of rambly--I mean, they have a point and they're not over-long, but they're kind of like a guy at a coffee shop telling you a random story about his life.  Artists, writers, and film people wander in and out and get up to things.  And all of it takes place in Manhattan, with very, very New York sensibilities.  It's probably quite literary, but in a way that I don't really get.

I'm not really much on New York stories, so I wasn't enthralled.  Meh.


  1. Shame, because that is a good title. Is he one of those people who gets told things by everyone he talks to? My mother is like that. People tell her things.

  2. It's one of the stories, but he doesn't really go back to it. I guess some of the stories do feature him as a confidant, though.

    I do know some people like that. People just want to tell them things. Sometimes they insist on doing so!


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