Something on Sunday: 11/12

Last Sunday, I woke up with a nasty tension headache and didn't write a post, but I had some neat stuff to share.  This week has been very long and busy, so maybe it's just as well; I can squeeze one post out of two weeks!

Last weekend was our local quilt show, and my first time exhibiting at said show.  I entered a quilt for judging, and guess what?  It won third place in its category!  (Which would be pieced quilts of medium size.)  I also got to have some fun setting up, taking down, and attending, and admiring  many impressive works of art.

Friday I went to a play with a friend.  The play wasn't much but the company was good.

I went to the symphony too!  Unbelievably, one of the pieces was the first performance of a symphony by a local musician, and it was commissioned.  So somebody out there still likes classical music.  Well, the whole place was full of people who like classical music, but most of them probably couldn't afford to commission a piece.  I do think it's sort of neat that things like that still happen.

Wow, between quilt art, theater, and symphony, this is a pretty artsy post.  Go out and make art, people!


  1. Oh Jean, that quilt is just gorgeous! I love it, and I think it should have won FIRST prize because of its extreme beauty. You're a genius.

  2. Oh, thank you Jenny! You should have seen the competition though. I was surprised to win anything at all. But of course, I look at it and see all the flaws first! I have it back on my wall now and I haven't taken the ribbon off yet. :)


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