Classics Spin #15

Aha!  It's my favorite classics event, the Spin, and I have a brand-new shiny list to choose from!  I was right to get the second list started, which makes me feel comfortably smug.  The rules for the Spin are familiar to most at this point and can be checked at the link -- join me, won't you?

Since I have many books piled around this house waiting to be read, I'm going to populate the list mainly with those, plus some at random.
  1.  The Man in the Iron Mask, by Alexandre Dumas
  2.  The Claverings, by Anthony Trollope
  3.  First Love and Other Stories, by Turgenev
  4. Sport of the Gods, by Paul Dunbar
  5.  Keep the Aspidistra Flying, by George Orwell
  6.  Pan Tadeusz, by Adam Mickiewicz
  7.  The Fortunes of Richard Mahony, by Henry Handel Richardson
  8.  Steppenwolf, by Hesse
  9.  The Dybbuk and other stories, by Ansky
  10.  Jurgen, by James Branch Cabell
  11.  Marie Grubbe, by Jens Peter Jacobsen
  12.  The Heart of Midlothian, by Sir Walter Scott
  13.  The First Wife, by Paulina Chiziane
  14.  Silence, by Shusaku Endo
  15. This Side of Paradise, by F. Scott Fitzgerald (with Brona)
  16.  Demons, by Dostoyevsky
  17.  The Go-Between, by L. P. Hartley
  18.  The Towers of Trebizond, by Rose Macaulay
  19.   Memoirs of the Crusades
  20.  The Blue Sky, by Galsan Tshinag 


  1. good luck for the spin! I'm appalled I have read only 2 form your list!

  2. Well, I've read hardly any of them, so you're one up on me! :)

  3. I am reading First Love by Turgenev at the moment and loving it so much! You have an impressive and quite interesting list: to my shame, I have not heard of many books in it, so I need to change that))

  4. You always have such interesting lists--I've not even heard of many of these! The only one I've read is Silence, which was excellent. Good luck!

  5. I agree, you always have the most interesting lists. I really liked Steppenwolf when I read it way back when. I hope you enjoy whichever book the spin will bring you.


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