Bible as Literature Challenge

Adam at Roof Beam Reader is setting up a very ambitious challenge for 2016.  (He's also dropping the TBR Challenge, so we'll have to find others.)  Adam says:

About the Event: The Christian bible is one of the most influential texts in western literature. As someone who reads literature for pleasure/edification and who teaches Literature in English at the college level, I frequently re-familiarize myself with many historically rich texts from a variety of mythologies and cultures....

As a special note, I will be reading the bible as literature and crafting my posts as such. This challenge is not specific to nor exclusively meant for Christians; instead, it is for readers who are interested in learning more about a very important text in the western canon. As such, I invite anyone and everyone to participate, regardless of faith or lack thereof. Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Atheist, Hindu, Agnostic, Mormon, Humanist? Come along!

What I would love is a lively and spirited discussion of the stories, philosophies, history, and cultural issues. We might discuss allegory, parables, comparative religion, metaphor, and symbolism to name just a few topics. The text will be treated respectfully and the discussions will follow in that same spirit — disparaging remarks about anyone’s beliefs will not be tolerated (and therefore all comments will be moderated). We’ll do our best!...

The Reading Plan
  • January: Genesis 1 through Exodus 40
  • February: Leviticus 1 through Deuteronomy 4
  • March: Deuteronomy 5 through 1 Samuel 17
  • April: 1 Samuel 18 through 1 Chronicles 2
  • May: 1 Chronicles 3 through Esther 10
  • June: Job 1 through Psalms 89
  • July: Psalms 90 through Isaiah 17
  • August: Isaiah 18 through Ezekiel 8
  • September: Ezekiel 9 through Zechariah 14
  • October: Malachi 1 through Luke 18
  • November: Luke 19 through 1 Corinthians 8
  • December: 1 Corinthians 9 through Revelations 22
Adam has chosen a fun edition of the KJV to read--the B&N edition with Doré illustrations, which will be easy for anyone else to get too.  I thought about getting a copy, but it's $20, and since I already have several KJVs sitting around the house, it seemed silly to get a new one just because it has cool illustrations (that I can borrow from my mom's house).  Anyway, it is not a rule to read the KJV -- read whatever edition you want.

I don't actually plan to post about this challenge here--I'll read along and participate in the discussions, which will be posted on Mondays.  I'll maintain an image link on my sidebar, but that's about all you'll hear from me here, I think.  If you want to join in, pop on over to Adam's blog to sign up.


  1. What a great challenge! I'm super looking forward to reading more about it. You definitely won't be posting about it on your blog? Not even linking to the ongoing discussions?

  2. Hm, I might link up, that's a pretty good idea. :)


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