2016 Challenges

Here's a rundown of my plans for 2016, in which I tried, as always, to not sign up for ten-plus challenges.  I think I mostly succeeded.  I'm going to have to prioritize my Classics Club list!  Looking forward to a fun year of reading with you all as company. :)

January Event: Vintage Science Fiction, hosted by the Little Red Reviewer.

I've got a pile all ready to go--a couple of Heinlein, an Asimov I haven't read in 20 years, a new translation of Roadside Picnic, and an Ursula K. LeGuin I've never read (I never did get into her books).  Looking forward to it!

Classics Club, hosted by The Classics Club

I've only got a year and three months left before my deadline, and about 35 books still to go, mostly difficult ones!  Oh no!!  I'm going to try to focus on this one in 2016.  The CC is also hosting a special women's event for 2016.

Back to the Classics, hosted by Karen at Books and Chocolate.

I haven't chosen any titles to fit the categories.  I'm going to wing it this year and see how it goes!

Mount TBR, hosted by Bev at My Reader's Block.

I have looked through my house for TBRs and have been worryingly successful at it.  I've got 47 titles on the pile, oh dear.  Here is a photo of a shelf I put together, but it's not complete.  I signed up for the first level of 12 books, but I'm hoping to do better than that.  If I was smart, I'd focus completely on TBR and CC titles this year!

Hard Core Re-Reading, hosted by Lois at You, Me, and a Cup of Tea.

I've amassed quite a pile for this challenge, and am looking forward to revisiting some books I've enjoyed in the past.  Here's a photo!

Reading England, redux, hosted by o at Beyond the Stars.

I'm just going to aim for a few counties this time, and hopefully ones I haven't hit yet.

Bible as Literature, hosted by Adam at Roof Beam Reader.

I'm going to read and participate in the discussions, but I probably won't post much about it here.  Actually, is it still happening?  The link doesn't work any more.  I'll certainly understand if it's canceled; it's an ambitious project.

So that's SIX challenges in all, and as you can see I've tried to stick to what I've already got on my plate, because there is plenty there.  Although, as always, if something neat comes up, I'll probably get all excited and add it too!


  1. These plans sound great, good luck! I wish I could participate in the re-reads challenge but I just have way too many unread books on my shelves.

  2. Both The Bible as Literature and the Shakespeare challenge seem to be removed from Roofbeam Reader so I would guess that they're not happening.....????? That would take two challenges off the table for me. I'm doing Reading England and, like you, trying to concentrate on my Classics Club list. Mount TBR is a maybe depending .......

    I'd still like to do a Fairy Tale challenge one year but it keeps getting moved from year to year because I'm so busy reading other things.

    I hope you have a great reading year in 2016!

  3. We have a few in common :)

    I checked with Adam re. Bible and Shakespeare - he's not doing them this year after all. For me it's probably a good thing - I've got a big challenge list already and the Bible might have been a little too tough :)

  4. Yeah. It was a very ambitious project, so maybe next year after he's done with school.


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