Back to the Classics Challege

Karen is hosting again, and I'm joining again.  Who can resist the Back to the Classics Challenge?   Karen says:

The challenge will be exactly the same as last year, 12 classic books, but with slightly different categories. You do not have to read 12 books to participate in this challenge!

  • Complete six categories, and you get one entry in the drawing
  • Complete nine categories, and you get two entries in the drawing
  • Complete all twelve categories, and you get three entries in the drawing
And here are the categories for the 2016 Back to the Classics Challenge:

1.  A 19th Century Classic - any book published between 1800 and 1899.

2.  A 20th Century Classic - any book published between 1900 and 1966. Just like last year, all books MUST have been published at least 50 years ago to qualify. The only exception is books written at least 50 years ago, but published later.

3.  A classic by a woman author

4.  A classic in translation.  Any book originally written published in a language other than your native language. Feel free to read the book in your language or the original language.

5.  A classic by a non-white author. Can be African-American, Asian, Latino, Native American, etc.

6.  An adventure classic - can be fiction or non-fiction.

7.  A fantasy, science fiction, or dystopian classic. Dystopian could include classics like Animal Farm or 1984.

8.  A classic detective novel. It must include a detective, amateur or professional. This list of books from the Golden Age of Detective Fiction is a great starting point if you're looking for ideas.

9.  A classic which includes the name of a place in the title.  It can be the name of a house, a town, a street, etc. Examples include Bleak House, Main Street, The Belly of Paris, or The Vicar of Wakefield.

10. A classic which has been banned or censored. If possible, please mention why this book was banned or censored in your review.

11. Re-read a classic you read in school (high school or college).  If it's a book you loved, does it stand the test of time?  If it's a book you disliked, is it any better a second time around?

12. A volume of classic short stories. This must be one complete volume, at least 8 short stories. Children's stories are acceptable in this category only.

And as usual, I shall plan to finish all 12 categories. I still have to think about possible titles for each category, so I'll try to post some in the near future.  Let the fun begin!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Corrected Comment:
    This is perfect! I've told Karen K. at Books and Chocolate that I'm all in for 2016. Thanks for your posting which alerted me to the challenge. All the best from R.T. at Beyond Eastrod. Onward!

  3. Nice blog.

    Very nice challenge. I can't do challenges unless they are really low key. :) Too stressful for me.

    Have a great weekend.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog


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