Something to watch for

This morning I was kind of sad to find out that I MISSED a special March-long reading project in remembrance of Diana Wynne Jones, who died just a year ago. However! There is still one more DWJ treat in store; We Be Reading is hosting a read-along of Fire and Hemlock, starting on April 12th--the day that a bunch of new editions of DWJ books are coming out, with covers that look like this one here.

Fire and Hemlock is one of my very favorite DWJ books and certainly one of the most complex. If you've never read her before, I recommend that you work your way up to this one.

If you'd like to join in with the read-along, keep an eye on We Be Reading. You still have time to get the book from your library or purchase it or borrow it from a friend. I will certainly be participating!


  1. Yay! I'm playing along with this readalong too! It's going to be wondrous.

  2. You know, I love that book, I've read it many times, and I still have only the faintest idea about what's going on, especially at the end.


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