Let Summer Begin!

I'm now officially done with work for the semester, the kids are done with their schooly stuff (well, on the whole), and it's properly summer in my world.  So I'm going to really, truly start my Language Freak Challenge title, which I've been putting off until after the semester--I've decided to read Niels Lyhne so as to make James Joyce jealous.

I also think I'm going to try to knock off several Classics Club list titles and see if I can get to 75 out of 150 by the end of the summer (I'm at 66), which obviously will put me halfway along.  To be honest that will probably entail reading a bunch of short things like plays and poetry, but I'll get to feel pleased with myself.  Probably next year I should focus on the things I have barely touched, like Latin American literature and really old Asian texts (scary!).

Another blogging goal this summer is to put more energy into writing for Sandbox to Socrates.  I'm the webmistress, but I haven't been writing much because each one takes a lot of concentration and energy, which have been in short supply as I worked extra days and herded my kids through the end of the school year. 

I now have a 6th grader and, officially, a high-schooler.  Ninth grade LOOMS on the horizon, but first we have a busy summer planned!  It turns out that when you are 14 your summer suddenly gets very full, but your mom still has to do a lot of the driving.  Luckily I'm quite looking forward to a road trip.


  1. I don't know how you are able to finish school so early with a highschooler. We used to finish the first of June (and sometimes early May) but since my daughter hit grade 7-8, we end up going to the end of June. I'm trying to change this but somehow, with other commitments, it just doesn't happen.

    Interesting reading plans. I am woefully deficient when it comes to reading anything other than western type literature. Once I finish my first Classic Club list, my second one will be much more eclectic.

  2. When do you start? We start mid-August. And really she's not quite done-she has an online class to wrap up. It's her first online class and we learned a lot about pacing!

  3. I'll be focusing on my Classic Club list as well - as I said to you on my blog I feel ready for August 1914 :)

    Have a lovely summer!

  4. We usually start the third week of August but the last couple of years it's been the beginning of September. My daughter has been heavily involved with softball for the past two years and the coaches' demands have cut into her school work and made her less focussed. She's doing another year of softball academy this September but when grade 11 hits (the year after), I'll be seriously considering whether she has time for both ball and school. And you don't have to guess which will win!

    My daughter did German online for two years and she's looking at a Greek course for September. You're right, pacing is crucial. So far I've found online courses contain a lot of busy-work but nevertheless, they've been beneficial.


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