Reading All Around the World: Badges!!

Fellow travelers on the road to reading all around the world -- we now have badges!  The fantastic Esther of Chapter Adventures, who has been quite busy accomplishing an international move, also designed these images for us to use.  I just love 'em, but that might be the former Girl Scout in me.  Badges are the best.  Here you go:


I'll put them up on the Reading All Around the World project page, where you can get them any time.  As you finish reading a continent, put your badge up on your blog -- on the project page or even on your sidebar.  Anybody who finishes the entire thing should definitely put the 100% badge on a sidebar where it can be duly admired!

Thanks so much to Esther for making the images!  What do you think, folks?


  1. Nice! I’m a long way from earning one though.

  2. So am I, Heather! :D

    Thanks Emma, I'm glad you like them.

  3. Oh wow, how great is that! I’d been thinking just recently about this challenge and how I really need to actually get a proper start on it! Maybe this is just this inspiration needed.

  4. Very nice :) It'll be quite some time before I get to use one, though!

  5. For sure. Though the Antarctica bonus is pretty easy....


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