
March is always a month to look forward to in BookBloggyWorld, because since 2012, Kristen at We Be Reading has been running DWJ March, later morphed to MarchMagics to include Terry Prachett too.  Kristen announced the March schedule a few weeks ago, and this year it's going to be a reading fest!  Four Chrestomanci books, and four Death books.  Sounds like a good combination to me:

Friday, 3/3 - Charmed Life (DWJ)
Monday, 3/6 - Mort (TP)
Friday, 3/10 - The Lives of Christopher Chant (DWJ)
Tuesday, 3/14 - Reaper Man (TP)
Friday, 3/17 - Conrad's Fate (DWJ)
Weds, 3/22 - Soul Music (TP)
Sunday, 3/26 - The Pinhoe Egg (DWJ)
Friday, 3/31 - Thief of Time (TP)

As you can see, this has to skip The Magicians of Caprona (and a few short stories) and Hogfather.  Hogfather gets its own holiday event, and I might read Caprona anyway.  I'll probably read all of these.  (And Fellowship of the Ring too!  Poor old Herodotus is going to be neglected.)

Kristen says:

Because many of us are stressed these days, I want to keep the work part of the month low. I'll have a post up on each of these dates with a question or thought for us to discuss. Feel free to join in even if you've just read the book in the past. All DWJ and Sir Pterry fans are welcome!

I'm looking forward to that!  I'll probably just write short answer/thought posts myself, rather than regular big posts for each title.


  1. Also skipping Witch Week, but I volunteered a guest post that slips it in. Can't wait for this month!

  2. Read ALL of them? I am already so impressed. I reread Christopher Chant and scheduled a post on that, which was lovely, but that's probably all I'm going to manage. Stupid MARCH. Always among the busiest and most expensive of months.

  3. I'm so glad you're joining on all of the books! I've already finished Charmed Life actually and have started Mort tonight. How I love these books. :)
    (And if I have time, I think I'll probably read Caprona, Witch Week, and Mixed Magics as well!)

  4. Ahahaha, me too! I finished Charmed Life and read half of Mixed Magics last night...


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