It's Almost Summer!

We are in the last two weeks of the semester here, and we are really feeling the crunch.  I have girls with lots of work to finish, and the result is that I can hardly get to my computer for any blogging, because somebody is always writing a paper or doing Spanish homework---even more so than usual.  We are really looking forward to the end of May, because it means not only the end of the school year and the start of some relaxing summer time, but also because...(drumroll here please):

I'm taking my girls on a trip!  Sadly my hard-working husband has to stay home and work hard, but my mom and I are taking my daughters TO THE UK for a couple of weeks.  This is hugely exciting stuff, people.  We've never been able to take our kids much of anywhere and a few months ago I realized my kid is going to be out of the house really soon, and the result is this trip.

We've got it all planned, and it's starting to really sink in that pretty soon we'll actually be there.  Every couple of hours we look at each other and have a moment of flailing excitement.  It's still too big to take in all of it, so we mostly get excited about one thing at a time.  The Green Knowe manor!  Ely Cathedral!  The Tower!

I'll take lots of pictures, but I don't know that I'll put too much up here unless people want me to.  Not everybody loves seeing other people's travel photos.  On the other hand, I might decide to document the whole thing here, day by day, so I'll have it.  I'll have to think about that.


Strawberry Hill!

Police boxes!


  1. What, who doesn't like seeing other people's travel photos! I love doing my armchair travel through bookish people's blogs. One day I'm going to get to do it myself, but not this year. So post away!

  2. How fun!! Now that Z's 12, we've been thinking about some more intensive trips. We just have to find a way to break down Europe and even the UK into doable chunks because I want to see EVERYTHING. ;) (And I vote for lots of posts.)

  3. What fun! I hope that you have a wonderful and memorable time!!! Making memories is absolutely the best. I took my daughter to France twice and we still talk about it and think about it at least once per month.

  4. HOW EXCITING!!!! I have goosebumps, and I'm not even going. Have fun!

  5. Thanks everybody! It's the trip of a lifetime for sure. I haven't been anywhere much in about 20 years!

  6. A trip to the UK! How cool! I'm so jealous! I haven't been back to the UK in oh my God seven years (how did I let this happen?), and I miss it a lot. The trains are so good! I went to school for a little while in Essex and took the trains all over the southern half of the country to look at cathedrals and things. Ely's pretty. I'm mad at it because the Bishop of Ely had to all the time be talking shit about Richard III, but the place is pretty.


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