Hard Core Re-Reading Challenge 2016

Well, this is handy.  There are some books that I want to re-read, but that are kind of on the heavy side, so I was thinking a nice little re-reading challenge would be just the thing to encourage me to pick up Hayek again.  And what do you know, Lois at You, Me, and a Cup of Tea is hosting the perfect challenge!   She says:

Rules (And when I say rules please realize I'm one of the most flexible people in existence)

  • First off, this challenge is for EVERYBODY! That means YOU! I want anyone and everyone to join in on the fun!
  • I suggest you make a list of books that you want to re-read for 2015 and post it with your sign up post. You are welcome to add to it as the year goes on and you definitely don't have to read them all. I recommend it be a suggested list and you can just chose books off of it as you go along.
  • The challenge officially runs from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016. ONLY books started AND finished in that time frame will count....


Level 1 0-15 Re-reading itch
Level 2 16-25 Re-reading bug
Level 3 26-35 Re-reading fever
Level 4 36-50 Re-reading paralysis
Level 5 50+ Re-reading coma (if you can do this I highly commend you!)

Lois says a bunch of other things too.  Take a look.  I will only be signing up for Level 1 and will probably keep it to 10 books or fewer.  Here are some of my titles, but I haven't even got ten yet...

  1. My Childhood, by Maxim Gorky
  2. The Fair at St. James, by Eleanor Farjeon
  3. Caleb Williams, by William Godwin
  4. West With the Night, by Beryl Markham
  5. Last Tales, by Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen)
  6. Pelle the Conqueror, vol. 1, by Martin Andersen Nexø
  7. Kaleidoscope, by Eleanor Farjeon
  8. The Road to Serfdom, by F. A. Hayek
  9. The Worm Ouroboros, by Eddison
  10. The Allegory of Love, by C. S. Lewis
  11. Man's Search for Meaning, by Victor Frankl
  12. Dancing Goddesses, by Elizabeth Wayland Barber


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