Texts From Jane Eyre

SO FUNNY. There, that is my opinion of this collection of texts from famous literary characters. Mallory Ortberg writes The Toast, which I don't exactly subscribe to because there's more profanity than I like, but which I have often enjoyed perusing because it's very funny, mostly about art history, or literature, or history in general. It makes me extra happy to find humor about classic literature.
I would love to quote half this book at you but it's not easy, because it's all little texts. But here is one installment of Edgar Allan Poe.
where are you?hiwhere are you?you're like two hours lateit's almost midnightI can't get out of the house right nowIs your car blocked?do you need a ride?noit's likethere's this birdthere's a bird on your car?no he's sitting on my statueit's likemm it just keeps looking at megot those fiery bird eyesyou know?what?fired up eyebirdsyou knowlike how when a bird looks at you so muchthat you can't leave the housethat'snothat's never happened to mewell it's happening like crazy over hereso i have to keep looking at himit might take a whileoh and plus i fell asleep readingi was asleep for like an houri literally just woke upand now i have this bird thing to deal withso i don't think i'm going to make it tonightsorry hun :)
They are nearly all hysterical. Medea is really good, and William Blake is a hoot, and HAMLET, and there's The Yellow Wallpaper which is freaky. Also Nancy Drew!
Everybody who likes books should read it.
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