The Classics Spin #5

It's time for another quartlerly Spin!  Check out the rules if you want to join.  

Pick a number and watch out!
Here is my list, in pretty random order.
  1. The Custom of the Country, by Edith Wharton
  2. Not Without Laughter, by Langston Hughes
  3. Picnic At Hanging Rock, by Joan Lindsay,
  4. Slaughterhouse Five, by Kurt Vonnegut
  5. Measure for Measure, by Shakespeare
  6. The Mill on the Floss, by George Eliot
  7. Tristram Shandy, by Lawrence Sterne
  8. Faustus, by Christopher Marlowe
  9. Fathers and Sons, by Ivan Turgenev
  10. Go Tell It on the Mountain, by James Baldwin
  11. Cherry Orchard, by Anton Chekhov
  12. Candide, by Voltaire
  13.  Kaffir Boy, by Mark Mathabane
  14. The Glass Menagerie, by Tennessee Williams 
  15. The Crucible, by Arthur Miller
  16. The Makioka Sisters, by Junichio Tanizaki
  17. My Antonia, by Willa Cather
  18. Our Town, by Thornton Wilder
  19. Henry V, Shakespeare
  20. Bless Me Ultima, by Rudolfo Anaya
  21. Uncle Vanya, by Anton Chekhov 
Scariest book on the list: probably Kaffir Boy, since it's a memoir of life in South Africa under apartheid.  I'm hoping for: one of the books already on my pile for the next month or two!


  1. I read The Makioka Sisters last year and loved it. I also liked The Custom of the Country - LOVE Wharton -- and My Antonia is also wonderful. And Candide is pretty hilarious in parts. You have so many plays on your list!

  2. You have a great list there. I'm also doing this event, but I have different books listed. I noticed that you have Candide on your list. I am hosting a read-a-long event in March, and the book will be Candide. I invite you to read along with us :)

  3. I agree with Karen ….. Wharton is brilliant and My Antonia is a lovely book. Picnic at Hanging Rock will be interesting but certainly not uplifting. I read it years ago. I'd never heard of Kaffir Boy but I can understand why you might be hesitant to read it.

    The best of luck with your Spin!

  4. Great list, Jean. Cherry Orchard is on my original list.While Faustus has been reviewed on my blog. Good luck with the Spin.

  5. Go Tell it on the Mountain is very underrated, it's such a great novel! You also can't go wrong with Slaughterhouse Five or Measure for Measure. Great list!


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