March Magics is coming!

One of my very favorite yearly events is March Magics, when we read and discuss two of the greatest fantasy writers around, Diana Wynne Jones and Terry Pratchett.  It's hosted by Kristen at We Be Reading, and the theme this year is "Riches Well-Told."  Kristen says:
What does that mean in terms of books? It means we get to read our favorites this year! I want everyone to pick up the books from these authors that never get old, the ones that we've read dozens of times already but plan to read at least a dozen more times.

The DWJ readalong this year will be Howl's Moving Castle, and the Pterry title has yet to be chosen.  Kristen is running a poll at the announcement post, and I voted for Wee Free Men on the grounds that I haven't read it in a long time.  (Update: it's official; Wee Free Men!)  I'll have to think about which favorites I want to read in's hard to choose!  There are so many to love.

I just realized I'm wearing my Death "I could murder a curry" t-shirt as I type this post.  It was a Christmas present.  If only there was a good DWJ t-shirt out there -- does anybody have a good DWJ image I could put on a t-shirt?

Oh, I'm excited about March Magics!  There is going to be all kinds of good stuff going on in March, what with the Welsh literature event, and isn't there an Irish one too?


  1. I have never read either Diane Wynne Jones or Terry Pratchett, so maybe I'll join in. Pratchett is my middle son's (now 23) favorite author, so I've been meaning to try him for a while. I've heard of Howl's Moving Castle. Anyway, thanks for the heads up!

  2. Oh, DO join us! I promise that Pratchett appeals to all ages. Does your son have a favorite that he wants you to read?

  3. I seriously almost quit blogging this winter but couldn't bear to give up hosting this event. I'm still choosing my books too but I know for sure that I'll be reading about griffins! Thanks for joining again this year. :)

  4. I very selfishly hope you don't stop blogging, Kristen! My younger kid just read the Derkholm books for the first time and loved them. Happy feels!


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