Solutions and Other Problems
Like the entire rest of the internet, I love Allie Brosh's cartoons and was more than a little worried that she had essentially disappeared for several years. And indeed, it turns out that she was having a rotten time, what with the medical issues and the divorce and the tragedy of losing her sister. Brosh also decided that cartoon-blogging just isn't a good format for her, so she put everything into a book, which is just as good as the first one.
Solutions and Other Problems is over 500 pages of text and illustrations, so there's plenty. 25 short essays talk about everything from childhood experiences to dogs Brosh has known, the odd neighbor kid, and her sister. As always, half of the pieces had me laughing too hard to breathe, and several of the others brought on the tears.
The first couple of chapters are available in their entirety if you preview the book, so I recommend that if you want to give it a try. Anybody who enjoyed Brosh's former work is going to love this book too, but also anybody who enjoyed it before has probably already bought Solutions and Other Problems.
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