THEM: Adventures With Extremists, by Jon Ronson I've been on a bit of a Ronson spree, I guess, even though I didn't know anything about him until I'd already started. I knew Ronson as the author of So You've Been Publicly Shamed , a book I liked. I got this one off the donation table, and then another, and only when I was almost done with them did I find out that he also wrote The Men Who Stare at Goats and is apparently quite well known -- just not to me. Wikipedia calls him a gonzo journalist who assumes a " faux-naif" persona in his writing. This is Ronson's second book, written over some time and published in 2001, "a snapshot of life in the Western world on September 10, 2001," when he thought all these people he was interviewing were getting very dramatic over nothing much and nothing would really happen. By the time he wrote the foreword of my 2002 edition, things looked different. And now, in 2018, they look different again. ...