Something on Sunday 2/25

A couple of really nice things happened to me this week.  Plus I even managed to write some posts!

I finally finished the Tardis quilt tops.  They are gigantic.   I probably should have made them smaller.  They're a sort of very long twin size and would fit perfectly on your average college dorm bed.  I also managed to do the backs and drop them off for quilting, so pretty soon they'll be finished.  I still need to buy yet more blue for the binding; no matter how much blue I buy, it isn't enough.

One of my very old friends lives in San Diego, so it's usually several years between visits.  Her family was our next-door neighbors while we were in junior high and high school, so I know them all.  And she was in Sacramento this weekend, so I drove down yesterday and spent the day with her and two of her siblings.  It was just really nice to hang out with such an old friend.

Excitement this week: I'm going to go see Susan Wise Bauer speak!  Who cares that it's at a homeschooling conference and I'm retired....


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