The CC Spin Number is....

And the lucky Spin number is...



So I'll be reading Rob Roy, by Sir Walter Scott.  I've never planned to read all, or even most, of Scott, but I've kind of had this one in the back of my head for many years, despite knowing nothing whatsoever about it.  I gather that the protagonist is a young man who appeals to the (in)famous Rob Roy for help, and it all takes place in about 1715, just before the second Jacobite rebellion.  Rob Roy was a real person, and was also the kind of person who attracts legends, so that he ended up a sort of Highlander Robin Hood figure.  We'll see!




  1. I read this one a long time ago & I don't remember it that well, but I did like it.

    My grandfather was Rob Roy Duff, so somebody was still attached to their Scottish heritage, even if he was born in Alabama...

    1. I think that kind of thing was very common!

  2. Oh fun! I'm starting Ivanhoe in February and am looking forward to it. I hope this one is good as well!


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