The Spin number is...


That's a number I don't think we've had before.

When I first looked at my list to see what 19 was, I read Banana Yoshimoto's Amrita.  So I checked it out of the library and read some pages.  So far so good.

This morning I looked again at my list, and behold, Amrita was #18!  I'm actually supposed to read Walter de la Mare's short stories -- the first volume, anyway.  It's huge.  We'll see how far I get -- it's over 500 pages long!  Amrita looked a lot more doable.


  1. Ha ha! You can knock off both 18 and 19 and impress us all with your confusion! ;-)

  2. Yeah, well, I'm not sure how much progress I'll make with Johnson and Boswell in Scotland at this rate!

  3. You always seem to read such erudite books. I was terribly surprised to see Amrita on your list as it is quite contemporary. Walter de la Mare sounds more like you!

  4. Sometimes I try some contemporary stuff too!


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