MarchMagics 8: Favorite Series

It's a new week in MarchMagics, hosted by Kristen at We Be Reading, and a new day to talk about Diana Wynne Jones and Terry Pratchett!  The prompt for today is to write about our Favorite Series--(or story arc if it's part of Discworld because just to say Discworld would totally be cheating)

In DWJ, it's hard to choose.  I am probably in a minority when I pick Dalemark as one of the best.  I don't think it's hugely popular, but I love the green roads and all the mysterious twisty bits, and how the three earlier books, which aren't all that connected, are brought together in the fourth. 

Of course, though, I also adore the Chrestomanci books.  They're so funny and wonderful, and there's a lot of variety.  Chrestomanci is possibly DWJ's overall best series.

In Discworld, my favorite story arc has always been the witches.  They're my first and permanent love, and now that Tiffany Aching is part of it, well.  There is simply nothing more to say.  I think the Tiffany books are Pterry's greatest achievement, Discworldly speaking.  But Granny Weatherwax, Nanny Ogg (and Greebo), and Magrat were wonderful even before Tiffany came along--especially Granny Weatherwax.

The first Pratchett book I ever read was a witchy one.  In my senior year of high school, I spent spring break visiting my cousin, and I picked up a book that was lying around the house.  It was funny, and kind of like Douglas Adams only with fantasy, and it was just all-around fantastic.  It turned out to belong to my younger cousin, who shrugged and said he'd won it at school and hadn't read it.  I ordered him to read it, went home, and forgot both the author and title of the book completely.  It was terrible.

Then, in my sophomore year of college, I visited a friend's house and somehow found the book again in his roommate's bookcase!  I was so excited!  It was Wyrd Sisters, and since the roommate was a big Pterry fan and had a lot of the books, I dove right in.  And that is how I got to know Discworld.


  1. I would choose Dalemark as my favorite series too if the fourth book hadn't wrecked it for me. (I know, we differ about that one!) It still might be my favorite anyway, with Chrestomanci a close second. I'm reading Wyrd Sisters right now and loving it - I think the witches are great too.

  2. These posts just make me want to read more from both of these authors. I have been so slack!

  3. I will be reading my second Dalemark this month and will definitely keep my mind open to the chance of it unseating the Chrestomanci books as my favorites -- but I love those so much!

  4. Chrestomanci in more FUN, and there are more books to love. Dalemark is more mysterious. :)

  5. We're talking about the Sacramento cousins here? If that's correct I'm planning to make fun of him.


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