Week 7: Sky Coyote

Sky Coyote by Kage Baker

This is the second novel in the Company series, and thanks so much to the Bookshelves of Doom blog for telling me about Kage Baker! The series setup is that Dr. Zeus, Inc., based in the 24th century, has agents working throughout history. Sky Coyote centers on Joseph, whose last role was a Spanish priest of the Inquisition--now he's playing Coyote to the Chumash of Point Conception in 1700, just before the Spanish show up to take over. The first Company book is In the Garden of Iden, so start there.

Kage Baker turns out to have been a Central Coast resident; she lived in Pismo Beach. So why didn't we all know about her?? Baker just passed away a couple of weeks ago, and she will be missed.

Does My Head Look Big in This? by Randa Abdel-Fattah

I read about this YA title in another 52 weeks blog--thanks Amira!--and thought it sounded like a fun read. Amal is an Australian teenager at a preppy private school, and she's also a faithful Muslim--the only one at the school. Over break, she decides to start wearing the hijab full-time. How she copes with friends, boys, and misconceptions about Muslims makes for a fun and pretty realistic story, though some of the minor characters are a bit cardboardy. I think most girls would enjoy the book.


  1. Does my Head Look Big in This sounds like a fun read. Going to check it out. Thanks.


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