15 Day Book Blogger Challenge, Day 12

I think it is pretty hilarious that April's question for day 12 is: How do you fight blogger fatigue? And this is my first post in a week. Ahem. But it wasn't really blogger fatigue, so much as life: I'm in the middle of 2 super-long books so I don't have much to post about (though I do have one finished title to write up, so it's not that much of an excuse), we're getting settled into our school routine and I am running a new science group that is taking lots of time, and I started back at work this week too. I've hardly been on the computer, but I have been making strenuous efforts to set aside reading time, so I'm happy about that. Really, I might deal with blogger fatigue in a few ways: I am OK with taking a week off to do something else; though I usually do like to produce a fairly steady stream of posts, I dislike making myself stick to a strict schedule. If this becomes a job, it's no fun anymore and then I won't want to d...