
Ridgeway Trip XIV: To St Albans!

Warning: this post is preposterously photo-heavy.  I took so many pictures on this day.... We had a good night sleeping with the windows wide open, but by this time Kim and I were both covered with bugbites from the last few days.  I blame the Aldbury duckpond, which doesn't have a lot of ducks (mostly no ducks) but does have a lot of bugs, and is right outside the pub.  Anyway, at 9, Vivien from the St Albans office arrived to very kindly take us there.  We made a deal; she would store our luggage for a day and we would write a blog post for her about how much fun we had in St Albans, thus promoting American tourism.*  And she even offered to pick us up.  So off we went to St Albans and shoved our luggage into a storage room in her (Tudor!) office upstairs from a bakery. The office is in the Christopher Inn building, once an inn used for pujblic events.  There is a strange sculpture of a 'succubus' in an alley corner, which apparently assured patrons that this was a 's