Books I Was Scared Of

One year ago, the Classics Club meme asked what books I was most scared of.  I posted this photo, and talked about how I am nervous of huge long books, especially French ones, and also Russian.  And Thomas Hardy.

To my surprise, when I saw this photo again the other day, I realized that I have read--or am reading, in the case of Monte Cristo--every book on that pile this year, except Far From the Madding Crowd (the shortest!)--I'll have to try to read that by Christmas so I can tell myself I accomplished something.

So I am feeling pretty good!


  1. I didn't realize you'd read Svejk this year!! I was really scared of it also but ended up mostly enjoying it, though parts of it seemed repetitive. Now I'm feeling a little brave and may even choose Dostoevsky as my Russian classic for the Back to the Classics Challenge.

  2. Yep, I read it just about a year ago, and finished right at the New Year. I did enjoy it and I agree that some bits were repetitive---it was a very 'guy' book!

  3. Wow, great work! I'm also usually afraid of thick books, but some of them are really nice!

  4. You should feel good about yourself! I haven't done any brave reading, alas alas.


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